Longitudinal study on anti-bullying interventions on primary school students in a rural school





Bullying, anti-bullying, students, school, Elementary


There is a dearth of literature examining the impact of antibullying interventions in rural primary school children. However, it has been documented that early intervention and family education is of great impact when fighting bullying. Therefore, during this three-year study, the effects of interventions on bullying rates in elementary school children were examined in a rural elementary school in the state of Florida in U.S. The interventions analyzed included group-based psychoeducation, talk therapy, action with consequences, and parental involvement.

Only 55 of the 1,712 students, (3.2%) of the sample, turned out to be bullies. There were 226 alleged bullying events reported, and of these, only 46 met the bullying criteria established by the school board. After applying the intervention techniques rigorously and with fidelity, false reports decreased by 96%, and actual bullying events decreased by 83%.

The results indicated that anti-bullying interventions can reduce or eliminate bullying in elementary school students. The most successful intervention observed in this study was the combination of group discussions with action/ consequences and parental involvement.


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Author Biography

Laraine Moscoso, Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI)

Mi nombre es Laraine Moscoso, mi lengua materna es el español. Tengo 23 años de experiencia como educadora en Estados Unidos; mis estudios incluyen una licenciatura en idiomas extranjeros en español, una certificación como maestra de inglés para estudiantes de otros idiomas, una maestría en educación y también soy traductora certificada. Actualmente estoy terminando mis estudios para obtener un doctorado en educación de la Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana (UNINI). Mi filosofía como educadora profesional es que nunca terminamos de aprender, el crecimiento intelectual es continuo por lo tanto la mejor manera de aprender es enseñando.


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How to Cite

Moscoso, L. (2022). Longitudinal study on anti-bullying interventions on primary school students in a rural school. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (30), 195–210. https://doi.org/10.18172/con.5075