Innovación en la enseñanza universitaria
Teaching innovation, university teaching, university teacher training, university didacticAbstract
Innovating is not only to do different things, but to do better things. And to keep the changes until the consolidation of the new culture which the changes (when they are changes and not mere substitutes) necessarily convey. This article deals with some of the theoretical and practical dilemmas which are present in the innovation of the teaching methods in the university. Innovation in teaching has become an institutional demand, subjet to many pressures and no fewer contradictions. That is why it is important to be aware of the real possibilities and limitations which set the place for innovation and improvement of teaching in the university. In the framework of that analytic purpose, different innovation models in the university are checked according to their content, their modality and their impact level. Finally, the crucial aspect of any innovation attempt is considered, especially in the university: the training of its teaching staff. Several factors influence in a clear and confirmed way in the effectiveness of the current pedagogical training programs for the university teaching staff: the teacher’s mentality (including their pedagogical beliefs and attitudes towards their teaching performance); their time availability (or the density of their agendas); the existence of referents and examples of good teaching practice; their own teaching strategies. The article concludes with the analysis of two basic and urgent challenges which teaching innovation is currently working on: the challenge of teaching methods and the challenge of the documentation, exchange of experiences and readjustment of teaching practiceDownloads
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How to Cite
Zabalza, M. A. (2013). Innovación en la enseñanza universitaria. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (6), 113–136.
Research Studies
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