School-university co-design: moving towards transformative education
Professional development, preservice teachers, school, innovation, roboticsAbstract
The educational approach based on design (co-design) can represent a model for the initial and lifelong learning of teachers. This article presents an educational experience that aims, on the one hand, to offer university students quality training proposals through didactic co-design –with teachers from the school and university professors– and their implementation, and, on the other hand, to promote transformative educational experiences in the school. A study of the satisfaction of the agents involved in the project has been carried out, by means of content analysis of the information collected by questionnaire, story and observation. The participants were 23 students of 5th grade of primary school, 2 teachers, 7 university students of Primary Education and 3 teachers of these studies. The results show a high degree of satisfaction in all the dimensions analyzed: involvement in the process, usefulness and projection of the learning process. It is concluded that the approach and methodology of the experience has brought deep learning and a high motivation in preservice teachers and has provided elements of reflection and impetus to transformative educational practice.Downloads
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