Students’ satisfaction towards the use of QR codes for dance learning in Physical Education
Satisfaction, learning, dance, Higher EducationAbstract
Information and communication technologies (ICT) are present in education. There are different ways of classifying the different tools. QR codes allow to connect real objects with any additional web content. Through these codes, movements and dances can be visualized. Thus, they have been applied in Physical Education classes, being scarce the studies of their application for dance and corporal expression activities. That is why this work aims to analyze the fun and enjoyment of students towards the use of QR codes for dance learning. The study was carried out with a sample of 30 vocational training in Physical Education students with a quasi-experimental design, using a pretest and a post-test. The conclusions determine that fun and enjoyment in Physical Education classes increased when students used the QR codes to learn the dances without observing statistically significant differences. As future lines of research, it would be interesting to extend the intervention with a larger number of sessions.
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