Agents participating in the assessment and grading processes in Physical Education
Physical Education, self-assessment, peer-assessment, selfgrading, peer-gradingAbstract
This research aims to (i) analyse teachers’ perception about students’ and teachers’ grade of implication in assessment and grading process in Physical Education; (ii) to value if there are differences in these items depending on whether the teaching staff works in Primary Education or Secondary Education, teaching experience and the highest academic degree obtained; and (iii) to value the relationship between the relationship between the participation granted to students and teachers during the assessment process and their involvement in the grading process. Four hundred and fiftyfive Physical Education teachers participated. The items referred to the agents involved in the assessment and grading process of the “#EvalEF” Questionnaire on Assessment Processes in Physical Education were used. It was answered with a six-point Likert scale. Results show that teachers’ assessment and teachers’ grading processes predominate over the student participation processes; In Secondary Education and among those teachers with a higher academic degree, differences appear in the participation of students in these processes and that there are hardly any differences based on teaching experience. There is a clear relationship between the teacher’s perception of the use of participatory forms of assessment and grading.Downloads
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