Actions and actions towards quality and sustainable education
a case study between Social Education and Industrial Engineering degrees
Higher education, critical pedagogy, social education, industrial engineering, transdisciplinarityAbstract
Critical Pedagogy (CP) opens the door to exploring novel methodological approaches in Higher Education (HE) by connecting social and cultural realities to training. This research presents a transdisciplinary university teaching proposal carried out among students of different degrees (Social Education and Industrial Engineering) at the University of Lleida (Spain). The research aims to describe methodological principles for implementing CP in HE across different degrees. It developed a case study following the participatory action research method. A total of 160 students participated: 78 with a bachelor’s degree in Social Education and 82 with a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering. Twenty-seven collaboration projects between students from both degrees emerged from this proposal. These were analysed using content analysis through a system of categories. The main results show the importance of generating cooperative and experiential learning between various grades of university students. We conclude with five methodological principles for implementing CP in HE between different studies. These principles enable us to understand university education as an enabling and transdisciplinary space that provides answers to real social problems in a thoughtful, critical, creative, and inclusive way.
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