The University Acces Exam as a conditioning factor in orientation in the Baccalaureate
Pedagogical orientation, higher education, entrance examination, educational competenciesAbstract
The present work is part of the line of research on factors that contribute to school efficiency and improvement and its purpose is to provide evidence about the relationship between the training of Baccalaureate teachers, the training in student competencies and the University Entrance Examinations and the work of the Orientation Departments in order to identify aspects that contribute to an improvement of orientation at this stage. A case study of a Baccalaureate center in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country is carried out for the purpose of knowing this reality from the perspective of professionals, parents and students of an educational center. The results indicate that the University Entrance Examinations generates a culture and expectations oriented towards the university path. In addition, it shows that it has an evaluation system that does not evaluate by competencies. The pressure exerted by preparing for the test also makes it difficult to develop competencies at this stage, as well as being strongly linked to the university pathway. It is concluded that the deep-rooted culture and the dynamics that the test generates make it difficult for individualized academic and professional orientation at this stage, many times, even leaving the path of Higher Level Vocational Training and the path of Teaching of Special Regime.
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