The reading of cultural heritage, natural and intangible documentary
contribution to academic and aesthetic training
Cultural heritage, natural heritage, iconological reading, academic training and aesthetics of readersAbstract
Assets of the cultural, documentary, natural and intangible heritage are considered primary sources of information that contribute to the integral formation of communities, research, preservation and dissemination of culture and, with this, favor the valuation of assets as part of the identity of the communities. In the field of education, cultural, documentary, natural and intangible heritage is generally included in optional subjects or in extracurricular activities, research and the generation of academic publications. In the field of librarianship and documentation, they are also part of the collections, research and education of librarians, so that they contribute to incorporating them into the training of their user communities, the programs to promote reading, the development of informational and digital skills and its cultural programs. This article proposes a reading method based on iconological theory and method, in which metacognitive reading and informative abilities intervene as part of documentary research, with the purpose of contributing to the integral formation of communities and to the development of their intellectual and aesthetic capacities, supportive attitudes, values and ethics.
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