Review and theoretical perspectives on the notion of literary heritage
literary heritage, patrimonialisation, canon, revision, updatingAbstract
The use of the term "literary heritage" in Spain is scarce, compared to what we can find in other neighbouring countries such as France. In this research we focus on a publication resulting from a meeting held at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, between specialists in language and literature didactics, a meeting focused precisely on the study of "literary heritage". To this end, a survey is made of some of the contributions presented, paraphrasing them in the way that the Italian theorist Galvano Della Volpe called "Methodological theory of critical paraphrase" (1966), re-reading, translating and interpreting them freely, The texts that are most significant for us to adjust this part of the theoretical framework in which we have been moving in this research that seeks to bring to the researcher in Spanish language some basic authorities of our neighbouring country, which undoubtedly are a lack to be covered among the international references in the didactics of language and literature.
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