Use of Music Videoclips as an Educational Strategy to Promote Empathy and Environmental Awareness in Higher Education




Environmental pollution, environmental training, teaching method, music, environmental awareness


Currently, the music video is not only considered a form of artistic expression but also a tool to address various environmental issues globally. This study aimed to analyze the perception of university students regarding the use of music videos as an educational resource to foster empathy and environmental awareness in the classroom. Fifty-one students from two courses at a university institution in Ecuador participated. Students watched and analyzed 16 music videos on the YouTube platform during class and responded to a specifically designed survey. The results indicated a positive perception among students regarding the use of music videos to creatively address environmental issues, enabling the promotion of empathy, awareness, and environmental concern, regardless of the participants' course and gender. Our findings support the use of music videos as an alternative tool to complement traditional environmental education systems in the classroom. In conclusion, this study suggests that the integration of music videos in the educational environment can be an enriching strategy to cultivate environmental awareness among university students.


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Author Biography

José Miguel Romero-Saritama, Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Docente Investigador en la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja - Ecuador.
Ingeniero en Gestión Ambiental.
Posgrado en Tecnología de Semillas.
Posgrado en Manejo y Gestión de la Biodiversidad.
Diplomado en innovación y creatividad para la educación.
Diplomado en Formación de investigadores en competencias para la edición científica y para la difusión de la ciencia en el siglo XXI.
Doctor en Gestión y Manejo de Recursos Fitogenéticos en la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Líneas de investigación: A) Ecología y Biología de semillas de especies forestales. B) Manejo y conservación de semillas de especies silvestres y forestales. C) Innovación e investigación educativa en el campo de las Ciencias Biológicas.
Experiencia: 15 años en en docencia e investigación Universitaria. 5 años en proyectos de vinculación con la sociedad y proyectos de innovación educativa


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How to Cite

Moreira Palacios, M., Simaluiza Masabanda, R. J., & Romero-Saritama, J. M. (2024). Use of Music Videoclips as an Educational Strategy to Promote Empathy and Environmental Awareness in Higher Education. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (34), 191–207.



Experiences and Reflections