Bullying in Spain
review and analysis of action protocols for autonomous communities
Bullying, cyberbullying, autonomous communities, school coexistence, protocolsAbstract
Bullying is a phenomenon present in Spanish classrooms, requiring, therefore, a normative and protocol body that leads and protects the actions undertaken when a possible case of bullying is suspected. Currently, the seventeen Spanish autonomous communities have their respective action protocols. This work intends to clarify the treatment of bullying, analysing the action protocols of the autonomous communities, attending to several aspects such as the presentation, the justification, and the theoretical-legislative construct on which they are based, as well as the complementary resources that contribute to their implementation. In addition, a brief review is made of the recommendations and guidelines prescribed for tackling cyberbullying and harassment against particularly vulnerable groups. From the review and analysis carried out, it highlights the legal emptiness regarding bullying, as well as the appeal by the youth justice system to tackle this problem from the educational scope, hence the importance of raising awareness and training the entire educational community. Regarding the intervention, all the autonomies present a similar pattern of action, with the trend towards a restorative approach and the great knowledge and awareness of cyberbullying.
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