Study of the Perception of Secondary School Teachers Towards Students with Low Functional Performance
Secondary School, teachers, perception, diversity, conventionAbstract
The following study was created for the purpose of knowing and presenting the perception that Secondary Education teachers in the Region of Murcia have when it comes to students with low functional performance. For this end, a quantitative and descriptive study was made in which, through the use of a questionnaire, the perspectives of 79 public and public-maintained schools in the Region of Murcia. The obtained results showcase that the majority of teachers are not aware of most parts of the LOMLOE while the CRPD is even more unknown to them. When it comes to how these teachers manage in their teaching practice, the majority of teachers have certain difficulties when giving an educational answer to students with low functional performance despite the teachers’ efforts and intentions to have all students participate in the classroom. This study highlights possible deficiencies regarding teachers’ training. With that said, a revision by the Administration, universities and teachers themselves in order to adapt training that better emphasises attention to diversity and these people’s rights is proposed.
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