Self-Esteem and academic Performance in University Students from a Poor Region of Peru
Self-esteem, academic performance, university students, home, socialAbstract
Self-esteem is important in the academic development of university students, playing a predominant role in academic performance; the objective of this study was to determine the relationship that exists between self-esteem and academic performance of failing students at the National Autonomous University of Tayacaja Daniel Hernández Morillo. Regarding the methodology, the study was descriptive, correlational, non-experimental, cross-sectional; The population was comprised of 235 students from the first cycle of the 2023-I academic semester, with a sample of 113 students. The “Coopersmith test” was used to measure self-esteem; In the measurement of academic performance, the data recording sheet was recorded, where the weighted average of the report cards for the 2023-I semester was recorded. As a result, 63% were male and 37% female, the professional career with the highest percentage was industrial engineering with 38%; in the self-esteem variable, high level 39%, average level 39% and low level 22%; the dimensions of self-esteem according to their level in a higher percentage, the general self-dimension with a low level of self-esteem in 44%, the social dimension peers with a high level of self-esteem in 90, the home dimension parents with an average level of self-esteem in 73%, the university dimension with a low self-esteem level of 44%; in the academic performance variable, with a starting level of 66% and a process level of 34%; the correlation between self-esteem and academic performance, with a significance level of 0.05, was 0.6313, indicating a positive and moderate correlation according to the Pearson coefficient. It is concluded that there is an intermediate correlation between self-esteem and academic performance.
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