Una propuesta para la integración curricular de las áreas de Lengua Castellana e Inglés en el currículo de enseñanza bilingüe para la ESO
Enseñanza bilingüe, competencia comunicativa, curriculum integrado de las lenguas, plurilingüismo, ejemplificación curricularAbstract
This article deals with an integrated language and content aproach in our bilingual classes for the Compulsory Secondary Education. Here there are some guidelines, stretegies and techniques for midle and high school language and content teachers who wish to use an integrated aproach between Spanish Language and English in their lessons. The author emphasizes on how the knowledge of linguistic skills on his/her mother tongue (Spanish) can help our students in the process of learning a second language, (English). It is only one ejample in order to make English language input as comprehensible as possible. The focus of this exemplification should be motivated by the content to be learned which will help identify the language skills requiered to learn that content, and the reasoning abilities needed to manipulate it.Downloads
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