Development of the key competence “linguistic communication” through motor story and the notebook of the student in the subjet of physical education


  • Eva Rivas Martínez C.E.I.P. “Miguel Ángel Sáinz” (La Rioja)
  • Javier Terroba Valdemoros I.E.S. “Celso Díaz” (La Rioja)



Key competences, linguistic communication, DeSeCo, notebook, motor story, activities artistic and expressive, LOE, minimun teaching requirements


In this article we provide information on the treatment of key competences from the area of Physical Education, a new element that has been introduced into the curriculum involved in the development of the Organic Law of Education (LOE) in the Spanish educational system, particularly on the referring to linguistic communication. Moreover, this curricular component arises as a result of studies conducted by the European Union and by the Organization for Cooperation and Economic Development in an attempt to provide a common reference for European education systems. To avoid falling into the merely theoretical, it has provided a learning experience in physical education, where can be checked the development of key competences of linguistic communication, through motor storytelling and the student activity book, in a Didactic Unit for the development of the contents belonging to the 3rd block of contents: Physical Activities artistic and expressive, entitled “Expression Explosion”, intended for the 2nd level of Primary Education.


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How to Cite

Rivas Martínez, E., & Terroba Valdemoros, J. (2013). Development of the key competence “linguistic communication” through motor story and the notebook of the student in the subjet of physical education. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (13), 155–174.



Experiences and Reflections