Literacy learning in the Latin American rural community: girls in school
Rural schools, literacy learning, girls, Latin AmericaAbstract
The following report analyzes the results of three case studies in rural schools, two from Mexico and one from Ecuador. Indices of gender parity (IGP) were compared directing the analysis toward two dimensions: inscription/attendance and actual performance in literacy learning. The results generated a tentative hypothesis that in turn suggests a conceptual framework for a proposal for further research on a larger scale. We propose, based on evidence from previous studies showing important advances in IGP in the Latin American region, the assessment of school achievement in the area of literacy in rural primary schools focusing on the comparison between boys and girls. Taking as a model the assessment methods of the three case studies, the objective of the of independent evaluation would be the following: (1) confirm or reject the official estimate of parity (100/100) in regard to access to rural primary school, and (2) confirm or reject the hypothesis of the present preliminary studies in Mexico and Ecuador – that for girls, once registered in school, their verifiable progress (measured by a test of reading) will be shown to be statistically equivalent, or superior, in comparison to the progress of boys, even in marginalized communities of limited material resources.Downloads
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