Question as a tool for reading stories
Questions, teaching methods, information ways, story readings, discussionAbstract
This article discusses the use of requests for information or questions, in a process of discussion that four teachers conducted with students from the reading of three stories. The sample consists of two classrooms in two public schools in the city of Burgos (Spain), and two more in Tampico (Mexico). In each class we have observed six focus groups composed of three children. To do this, we propose an exploratory study based on systematic observation. First, it produces a qualitative description of teaching sequences showing examples of process questions, to finish analyzing and comparing quantitatively the evolution of the use of questions. Knowledge of responsiveness that has the child helps the teacher to decide what kind of support they need in understanding the narrative. The results suggest that the variety in the types of questions facilitates the recovery and processing of speech in children. This study is an exploratory design, was used as comparison and control groups.Downloads
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