The emotional education of teachers and its teaching work: a experience of Service-Learning at the university and its evaluation


  • Sarah Carrica-Ochoa Universidad de Navarra



Service-Learning, community development, emotional intelligence, skills


University has the responsibility to train professionals, which means providing people with the necessary competences to face the world with an engagement to social justice. This paper presents a service-learning experience (SL) –and its evaluation– as a way of collaboration, service and improvement of community. Firstly, this work analyses SL and its theoretical context as a methodology in relation to community development and emotional intelligence. Secondly, a SL experience, conducted in grades of education at theUniversityofNavarra, is described. The objective has been to accompany the students in the analysis of the socio-educational action and capacitate them to intervene pedagogically in specific areas. Finally, the evaluation made through satisfaction questionnaires is presented; also a scale analysis of professional skills worked, made to that effect. The results show that methodologies such as SL allow achieving a high degree of satisfaction, engagement and motivation of students for the task required.


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Author Biography

Sarah Carrica-Ochoa, Universidad de Navarra

Departamento de Aprendizaje y Currículum. Facultad de Educación y Psicología


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How to Cite

Carrica-Ochoa, S. (2017). The emotional education of teachers and its teaching work: a experience of Service-Learning at the university and its evaluation. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (20), 147–164.