Teachers’ entrepreneurship in the transition from Primary Education to Secondary Education: a proposal from Sport Education and Service-Learning
Transition from primary Education to secondary Education, physical education, sport education, service-learningAbstract
The transition from Primary Education to Secondary Education is a disturbing and influential period in the school trajectory of more than 50% of students, with a substantial decrease in self-esteem, academic motivation and academic achievement, as well as the risk of suffering bullying and school dropout. The systems developed to facilitate this process have focused on administrative andorganizational procedures, when research shows that the process should focus on social and personal features. In this paper, we expose how the integrated use of Sport Education and Service-Learning can be configured as a powerful tool to combat the problems arising from this process of educational transition. Furthermore, we analyze how the integrated implementation of these two approaches allows to have facilitators of great potential in this process: to have acquaintances who pass with them from primary education to secondary education, to develop the feeling of belonging, to meet older students and to verify that they are friendly, host activities that help them adapt and perceive that the school helps them, and activities in small groups where they can relate closely with new colleagues.
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