Advantages of gamification in the field of formal education in Spain. A bibliographic review in the period 2015-2020
Formal education, gamification, motivation, academic performanceAbstract
Some principles of educational intervention, such as playful learning, have been turning towards more enriching proposals such as gamification. This term, booming in the educational, professional and business fields, implies the use of game mechanics in habitually non-recreational contexts. In this context, the objective of the work is to analyze the positive effects generated by the application of gamification techniques in educational classrooms. The method was a bibliographic review of 39 articles published in open access, from January 2015 to April 2020, in the Web of Science (SSCI) and Scopus databases using the system of validation of relevance, inclusion and exclusion, quality / validity of studies and description of data, according to the criteria of the University of York (PRISMA). In the analysis, the codes of the discourse and the relationships between the variables studied have been searched in order to know the relationship of the dynamics that interact between them. As an inference from the results, the positive impact of gamification in the teaching-learning process is evidenced, with motivation and academic performance being the most notable aspects.Downloads
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