La radio a la escuela
In my opinion, there are many reasons for the introduction of systematic use of the media in the classrooms of our schools. But if we want to have the desired effect, this activity must be well planned. On the other hand, the teachers who want to carry forward this plau should know everything about mean or means that they´re going to handle. In the course of the development of this job, the tolerance, the respct for the other people´s opinions and the freedom of speech get a special meaning; we can give a master class about how to be tolerant and respectful but this values won´t be learned if we don´t practice them every day, if we don´t create the right asmosphere. To tell the truth, many teachers would like to work about and through the media but they find a lot of problems in his way. Thir article tries to be a reflection about all the different aspects of this kind of job. it tries as well to give some trails about different actions we can develops in the course of our lessons.Downloads
GÓMEZ PALACIOS, J. J. (1987). La radio joven. Madrid, Ed. CCS.
GONZÁLEZ, F. (1989). En el dial de mi pupitre. (Colección Medios de Comunicación en la enseñanza). Barcelona, Ed. Gustavo Gili.
MARTÍNEZ REYES A. y otros (1993). La radio escolar. Cádiz, Colección EDU.CA.
RÍO APARICIO, P. (1990). La radio en el diseño curricular. (Colección Nueva Escuela). Madrid, Ed. Bruño.
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