Geometric-spatial and computational thinking in early childhood education: a case study with KUBO
Geometry, spatial orientation, robotics, early childhood education, KUBOAbstract
The floor robots are used in the classrooms of Early Childhood Education not only as a game but as a didactic resource, from the contents of some of the specific didactics. The purpose of this article is to analyze whether the implementation of educational robotics favors the learning of spatial and geometric notions. For this purpose, a case study is presented in a classroom of 25 children aged 3 and 4, focused on an integrative proposal for the development of geometric and computational thought based theoretically on the Van Hiele model, with the use of the KUBO robot and its Tagtile programming system. The results reveal how the learning of spatial and geometric notions has been favored, as well as the enjoyment of students, producing an advance of their reasoning within the level of visualization. This indicates the effectiveness of robotics for the approach of geometry from a better knowledge of the space, as well as the need for the teachers of Early Childhood Education to be trained in the use of this type of material to allow students access to computer tools.Downloads
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