Universal Design for Learning, Inclusion and Interculturality in Initial Teacher Education

Perceptions of University Teachers





Universal design for learning, teacher training, inclusive education, intercultural education


It is only possible to guarantee and contribute to the learning of students, in initial teacher training, in an optimal way if university professors ask themselves the purpose of their training and teaching and reflect on what students really learn in their classrooms. The aim of this study is to make a diagnosis of the perceptions and opinions of university professors who are dedicated to training future teachers in the degrees of Early Childhood and Primary Education at the Universitat Jaume I, on the concepts of UDL, inclusion and interculturality; on how they work in the degrees, how the study of these concepts is integrated and what proposals for improvement they consider relevant to incorporate. This is a qualitative research, more specifically, the results presented correspond to the first phase of an action-research process, that is, the diagnosis and recognition of the initial situation. Twenty-four interviews (group or individual) based on a previously elaborated protocol, were carried out with a total of 29 participants. There were 12 teachers from the Primary Education Degree, 8 from the Infant Education Degree and 9 teachers who teach in both degree programs. They were asked about their knowledge of the meaning of these concepts, how is their teaching practice, he study and preparation in the concepts dealt with in the degrees. The results obtained are presented on the basis of four axes that gather the perceptions of university professors: 1. Meanings and conceptualizations of UDL, inclusion and interculturality, 2. Study and preparation on UDL, inclusion and interculturality, 3. Analysis of teaching practices in university classrooms from the principles of the UDL and 4. Proposals for improvement. It should be noted that these university teachers are familiar with the concepts addressed, but with some specificities. Similarly, their teaching practice is very varied and diverse, on most occasions, dealt with by applying the principles of the UDL. Finally, they propose a series of improvements for these degrees in order to build an Inclusive Intercultural University.


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How to Cite

de Marcos Martí , M., & Sanahuja Ribés, A. (2024). Universal Design for Learning, Inclusion and Interculturality in Initial Teacher Education: Perceptions of University Teachers. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (34), 59–81. https://doi.org/10.18172/con.5893


