Videogames and learning of history: the assasin’s creed saga


  • Diego Téllez Alarcia Universidad de La Rioja
  • Diego Iturriaga Barco Universidad de La Rioja



History, videogames, Assasin’s Creed, meaningful learning,


This article studies the potential of videogames, in general, and Assasin’s Creed saga, particularly in the learning of History. It analyzes the characteristics of videogames, their motivational power, its plots, the historical aspects that best illustrates and also its limitations.


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How to Cite

Téllez Alarcia, D., & Iturriaga Barco, D. (2014). Videogames and learning of history: the assasin’s creed saga. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (17), 145–155.



Experiences and Reflections