Transforming the “grammar school” to be more inclusive: the experience of three spanish schools


  • Cecilia Simón Rueda Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Marta Sandoval Mena Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Facultad de Formación del Profesorado y Educación Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación C/ Francisco Tomás y Valiente 3 28049 Madrid
  • Gerardo Echeita Sarrionandia Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Cristóbal Calero Gil Colegio Cardenal Spínola (Madrid)
  • Beatriz Nuñez Gutiérrez de San Miguel Centro de Formación Padre Piquer (Madrid)
  • Pilar de Sotto Esteban Centro de Formación Padre Piquer (Madrid)
  • M. Montserrat Pérez García Centro educativo Ponce de León (Madrid)
  • Ana Belén García de la Torre Centro educativo Ponce de León (Madrid)



Inclusive education, practices teaching, grammar school, improvement school


The aim of this article is to share some of the early reflections made by the researchers and teachers from three Spanish educational centers that are participating in the European project Teaching diverse learners in (School) Subjects) coordinated by Kerstin Merz-Atalik and Heike Tiemann (University of Education Ludwigsburg). From our point of view, if we really want to make progress toward an educational system and schools with capacity to respond with equity and fairness to the student diversity, we will have to radically change the existing “grammar school”. Our purpose will be to show some of the key elements that have been changed in the three participating centres, to try to ensure the balance between quality and educational equity from the reality of each one. Based on the analysis of the main barriers and challenges to move toward an inclusive education, here are listed some of the elements that have been necessary to transform in these educational institutions in order to shorten the distance between the declared values and specific practices.


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How to Cite

Simón Rueda, C., Sandoval Mena, M., Echeita Sarrionandia, G., Calero Gil, C., Nuñez Gutiérrez de San Miguel, B., Sotto Esteban, P. de, Pérez García, M. M., & García de la Torre, A. B. (2015). Transforming the “grammar school” to be more inclusive: the experience of three spanish schools. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (19), 7–24.