The socio-sports meeting as an experience of learning-university service in two centers of educational internation for minors
University service-learning, juvenile justice, socio-sports meeting, Physical EducationAbstract
This comparative study presents the same university service-learning experience carried out by the Valle Tabares Center for Educational Internment of Minors (CIEM VT) and the Center Educatiu de Justícia Can Llupià (CEJ CLL). From two subjects of two degrees, one from the University of La Laguna and the other from the University of Barcelona, a socio-sports meeting was organized, which consisted in the design and joint practice of cooperative challenges of a recreational-motor nature by two groups: university students and persons deprived of liberty (PPL). In order to know the perception of the participants about the experience, a qualitative approach was followed by applying a questionnaire with open and closed questions to university students and a group interview with PPL. The results point towards an improvement in the development of professional skills and the overcoming of social stereotypes by university students; and to the empowerment of PPL, by assuming personal and social responsibilities. There are similarities in the perception of university students in relation to the ‘experience’ and ‘learning’ dimensions, and in the responses of the group interviews carried out to the PPL of both centers.Downloads
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