Doña Jacinta 2.0

a project for the teaching of history through Facebook




History Didactics, Social Network, Facebook, Doña Jacinta Martínez de Sicilia


This work will address the potential of social networks services such as Twitter or Facebook for teaching the History of Spain. A specific project will be analyzed: the Facebook page Doña Jacinta 2.0. (ña-Jacinta-20-1676501339053420) created within the framework of a teaching innovation project together with students of the Primary Education Degree of the University of La Rioja in the 2017-2018 and 2018-19 academic years. On this page, Doña Jacinta Martínez de Sicilia, Duchess of Victoria, wife of General Espartero, reviews the main milestones in the History of Spain of the s. XIX in which they were involved. Her texts are accompanied by a multitude of resources: interactive maps, timelines, photomontages, pictures, memes, Kahoots, interactive games, etc.


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How to Cite

Téllez Alarcia, D. (2023). Doña Jacinta 2.0: a project for the teaching of history through Facebook. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (31), 135–154.

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