Values from family leisure. Perception of adolescents
Education and leisure, entertainment, role of parents, parent-child relationship, family planningAbstract
Although family leisure is revalued in times of crisis, it is not exempt from dilemmas and controversies. The potential of family leisure is mainly focused on family satisfaction and cohesion, leaving aside educational aspects such as the development of moral values. The purpose of this descriptive evaluative study is to determine the contribution of family leisure to values education from the perspective of adolescents. 1054 students in compulsory secondary education participated by completing an ad hoc questionnaire that includes a list of 12 values collected after a panel of experts and a validation process. The results show sociability as the most promoted value, together with those related to the inner self, and the ownership of the school and gender are the most significant variables in favour of private-subsidised schools and women, respectively. In this way, the role played by family leisure in the formation of values in adolescents is confirmed and the need to create learning communities in which both family and school build a joint leisure pedagogy model is determined.
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