The sun of tradition and ecocriticism

animated ecologies and their ancestral roots: legendary and literary ecofictions




animated ecologies, numen aquae, ecofictions, water imaginaries


Currently, the importance of heritage and biocultural memory and, specifically, of traditional and local wisdoms that are expressed in a particular way in legends and other eco-fictions, both in the corpus of folkloric texts and in literary or multimodal texts, is out of the question. There are several paradigms of study, from ecocriticism to other currents, and therefore, the paper aims to make visible the ancestral wisdom in a specific field, which is the imaginary of water, and from a comparative perspective that allows comparing the different discourses alluded to. In particular, we try to explain the animated ecologies through the numenes aquae or personifications/deities of water that are the axis of such ecofictions, looking for patterns and correlations beyond the local context, and relating this humanization of water with the uses and keys symbolic of water culture.


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Author Biography

Alberto E. Martos García, Universidad de Extremadura

Profesor Contratado Doctor

Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, de las Lenguas y las Literaturas
Facultad de Educación
Avda. de Elvas,  s/n
06071- Badajoz (España)


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How to Cite

Martos García, A. E., & Núñez Molina, G. (2023). The sun of tradition and ecocriticism: animated ecologies and their ancestral roots: legendary and literary ecofictions. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (32), 127–146.