Nautilus reading and poetic education in the digital environment
Reading habits, digital Reading, creative writing, reader formation, haikuAbstract
In recent decades, the impact of digital technology has been constant. Its invasive, omnipresent and addictive nature (Steiner-Adair and Baker, 2013) has affected not only our way of approaching the written text, but also the reader himself. Especially in the new generations, who continually coexist with an overabundance of information –which they fail to transform into knowledge – and digital offerings for leisure. A mutation that is reflected in the classroom. Therefore, this work tries to define the profile of the new digital readers through a series of metaphors. And, once defined, it is proposed to counteract the reading habits of today’s students through a creative, active and interdisciplinary literary education. To counteract the superficiality and reading Josep M. Rodríguez Cabrera Contextos Educ., 30 (2022), 271-283 272 impatience of the learners, the teaching and learning of short literary forms, such as the flash fiction, the aphorism, the greguería and especially the haiku, from which some educational experiences developed in Spanish territory are collected.
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