Attraction and election models for the teenage population and its relation with gender violence. proposal for its prevention through methodological principles of learning communities
Gender violence, adolescents, preventive socialization, Secondary EducationAbstract
In this article the results of a qualitative investigation of the Program Daphne II of the European Commission, directed by the University of Saragossa, are showed. In Spain the research was carried out in five Secondary Education Schools and in an scout group. The research has analysed the models of attraction and election that adolescents have and how these influence them in their personal relationships and the use of the gender violence inside them. This investigation has demonstrated that the existence of models of attraction and election of a partner based on criteria that foment relationships of power and not of equality among adolescents. Its main contribution is the design of a concrete methodology of socialization to prevent CONTEXTOS EDUCATIVOS, 12 (2009), 95-114 95 Contextos Educ., 12 (2009), 95-114 this type ofaggressive behaviours based on gender from the adolescence. This methodology is based on the educative model of the Communities of Learning, having adapted its premises to the education in values.Downloads
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