Influence of student experiences in developing skills as future teachers
Student perception, teacher perception, transfer of learning, teaching skills, learning obtainedAbstract
This study, conducted in four subjects in the Faculty of Education at the University of Burgos during the year 2013-2014, analyzes the student’s perceptions about the transfer of learning obtained in the future vocational skills, in this this case teaching. A pretest-posttest is done, checking how their perception towards learning transfer changes once they have completed the courses. Mixed methodology study is used, performing a both descriptive (mean and standard deviation factors) and inferential (ANOVA) and one qualitative, in which some interviews with teachers are use once they have completed the courses. Two groups are generated; A) where they have been used as a tool peer-assessment and self-assessments and monitoring of learning, and B), in which there has been not formative evaluation process. In this case the teacher has been the only one who has participated in the evaluation and qualification. In group A has been a significant increase in factor related to the transfer of teaching skills. This change occurs in pretest and in group B. It was concluded that the inclusion of open and participatory methodologies in the classroom, that enable the learner part of their own learning process, produces a more positive impact on students’ perceptions of their learning transfer.
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