El uso de juegos tradicionales en el proceso educativo y su desvirtuación en la praxis pedagógica


  • Joaquín Giró Miranda Universidad de La Rioja




Nowadays it is not strange we find traditional games as means of educative promotion, as tools to take part at school, as methods of learning and development in the curriculum of teaching. Maybe we do not wonder about the value of those games in their daily use at schools, when we describe them as traditional, though their initial motivation, their original practice has disappeared when we apply them educational concepts of helpful and benefit. The teachers interests pursue the aim of educational methods; they are moved by the useful of their methods, always with the educational aim as the engine to reach those objectives. These interests are the focal point we want to underline as opposed to the interests of traditional games, which will try to explain


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How to Cite

Giró Miranda, J. (2013). El uso de juegos tradicionales en el proceso educativo y su desvirtuación en la praxis pedagógica. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (1), 251–268. https://doi.org/10.18172/con.381



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