Innovación, democratización y mejora de la docencia universitaria en el marco de la sociedad de la información


  • Ramón Flecha Universitat de Barcelona
  • Josep Mª Rotger Universitat de Barcelona



Information society, university, innovation, teaching, democratization, dialogic learning


The current information society have brought together many changes with regard to the former industrial society. However, the university continues functioning in the same way that it formerly used to. The capacities of selecting the most relevant information among a lot of data and processing it properly in every situation are today much more necessary than the possibility of storing knowledge. In this context, it is important to highlight those initiatives that are being implemented in order to improve university teaching according to these new requirements. It is the case of that subjects that promote the use of Internet database or exchanges through forums. The increasing of interactions among pupils, teachers or even other people interested in a certain field can enrich enormously the teaching-learning process, very much in line with the notion of dialogic learning. Supported on the possibilities offered by the information and communication technologies, these proposals also contribute to the democratization and transparency of the university institution, since they establish a more horizontal framework that everybody can accede and participate in on an equal foot.


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How to Cite

Flecha, R., & Rotger, J. M. (2013). Innovación, democratización y mejora de la docencia universitaria en el marco de la sociedad de la información. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (6), 159–166.