Incidencia y prevalencia de los factores de riesgo en el desarrollo
Risk infants, early development, risk factors, early interventionAbstract
The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and prevalence of developmental risk factors in the population of La Rioja, in order to compare these data with other studies and identify the needs of early intervention in the region. Data on all infant born between January 1998 and December 2003 (inclusive) in La Rioja were included and considered in this study. Risk factors (pre, peri or postnatal) for unfavourable outcomes were studied in this group, as well as the time of diagnosis. Incidence and prevalence data and statistical differences between early or delayed diagnosis were estimated with the SPSS program. Results show: a) an increase in birthrate; b) risk prevalence was within the 3.51- 4.73 % range; c) an increasing rate of preterm births was found in this population; and d) finally, most risk newborns were identified at an early age, mainly in the first six months of life (71.52% of them in the neonatal period), with significant year-on-year differences. The knowledge of risk situations and their early detection allow to establish programs focused on children and families in order to ameliorate developmental courses.Downloads
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