Peer harassment at primary school: gender and school grade differences
Peer harassment, gender, school grade, Primary School, preventionAbstract
The aim of the present study was to study the relationship among gender, school grade and peer harassment at Primary School. The participants were 2.050 children aged 8 to 13. The overall sample was designed to represent all students in grades 3th through 6th in both public and private schools. A self-report questionnaire on peer harassment situations was administered to the participants. Factor analysis revealed two different dimensions: ‘physical violence and property attacks’ and ‘verbal violence and social exclusion’. Boys reported higher levels of peer harassment among classmates than girls. No effect of the school grade on the gender differences CONTEXTOS EDUCATIVOS, 13 (2010), 11-26 11 Contextos Educ., 13 (2010), 11-26 was found. This paper provides a better understanding of peer harassment as well as some prevention indications.Downloads
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