Strategic and formative collaboration between companies and University of Burgos. Anatomy of the best practice
Best practices, formation, business, entrepreneurshipAbstract
Given the importance and need to identify the best practices that in recent times is imposed on scientific research, Best Practice is presented with regard to strategic and educational collaboration. It takes place between theUniversityofBurgosand a company of the province in order to promote entrepreneurial culture in the context of educational and social time of university students fromBurgos. This is a descriptive study in which the five steps in the process of the selected practice are detailed, presenting the main priorities, programs, objectives, activities, methodology and results. It is concluded that, after this partnership, the participating students acquire entrepreneurial skills along with a technological and management training that will allow them to have greater competitive advantage in their professional future and lay the groundwork to build their own company. Similarly obtain benefits, in this strategic and formative collaboration, both the company and the university participant, this being extrapolated experience any combination company-educational center.
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