The "flipped classroom" as an active methodology to promote centrality in the students as protagonist of their own learning
Higher education, flipped classroom, teaching-learning, perception studentsAbstract
Teaching-learning processes in university degrees, and especially graduate degrees, are evolving towards a digital contents improvement and the use of learning platforms and academic management. In this sense, the "flipped classroom" lies in turning the traditional lessons in order to make students the active protagonists of their own learning. In the subject called Contemporary Trends in Education studied on the second year of the Primary Education Teacher Degree, this methodology has been implemented. The objective of this work was to experience this subject and assess the degree of student satisfaction in this methodology. In order to do this, the questionnaire about student perceptions regarding the flipped classroom was used (Gilboy et al., 2015). The results demonstrate that students prefer to participate in class through active and group work rather than in a traditional class. The application of this educational model promotes a better exploitation of time in the classroom, the use of Information and Communication Technologies and collaboration between students, motivation and focus on students as the protagonists of their own learning.
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