Patrones diferenciales en la elaboración de resultados en bebés típicos y bebés con síndrome de Down (1;3 a)
Cognitive development, logical action organization, elaboration of results, typical babies, Down’s Syndrome babiesAbstract
The aim of this study is to get to know and compare the logical action organization in the elaboration of results among babies with alternative developmental courses (typical babies and Down’s Syndrome ones with a cognitive developmental level of 1;3 years) from a neuroconstructivist point of view based on infant cognitive development. Using systematic observation, we studied ten babies: five typical babies and five Down’s Syndrome ones. We recorded and coded the spontaneous activity of the babies in a non-verbal behaviour-oriented task that allowed them to elaborate results of different complexity. The sequential analyses, both progressive and retrospective, enabled us to identify the course of action to elaborate results in each groupof babies. From the intra-group behavioural patterns, we established intergroup differences in the process. The results showed a pattern of elaboration of results more complex and flexible in typical babies compared to Down’s Syndrome ones.Downloads
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