Attitude of parents towards the chance of entrepreneurship of their children. Related factors
Entrepreneurship, family, Routh, Secondary educationAbstract
Entrepreneurship in today’s society has a relevant role as a generator of employment, as well as an engine for economic growth and innovation. Contributions, all of them, which highlight the essential role of education for the training of entrepreneurs. The article aimed to link factors such as gender, level of education and professional situation of parents, who have children in the post-compulsory stage, with the attitude they present to the situation of their descendant deciding to create his own company, as well as the aid it would provide. T Student’s parametric tests and one-factor (ANOVA) were used with a sample of 791 progenitors. The results show that they are male parents with primary education and that they work for their own account or others who most want their children to set up a company. The conclusions of this study aim to strengthen education and training in entrepreneurship, especially in the family, to create, educate, build and produce future entrepreneurs.
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