Análisis y valoración de los recursos de los centros educativos no universitarios : un modelo de estudio


  • Javier Escorza Subero Universidad de La Rioja
  • Rosario García García Universidad de La Rioja
  • Mª Teresa García Santa María Universidad de La Rioja
  • Mª Asunción Jiménez Trens Universidad de La Rioja
  • Mª Carmen Lemus Varela Universidad de La Rioja
  • Jesús Murillo Ramón Universidad de La Rioja
  • Teresa Torroba Santamaría Universidad de La Rioja



The Educational System that LOGSE propases cannot be efficient unless the necessary educational resources are appropiate. This paper presents a study which has already been implemented in La Rioja, and which allows us to know the real condition of the infrastructures and the resources in lnfant, Primary and Secondary Schools as well, -up-date them if necessary. This propasal includes a study not only concerning the infrastructures but also about the teaching staff, personnel, administration, parent associations as well as a teacher opinion poll. The results provided by this study are essential in order to find out the degree to which the schools have met the requirements that the new educational System (LOGSE) demands.


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How to Cite

Escorza Subero, J., García García, R., García Santa María, M. T., Jiménez Trens, M. A., Lemus Varela, M. C., Murillo Ramón, J., & Torroba Santamaría, T. (2013). Análisis y valoración de los recursos de los centros educativos no universitarios : un modelo de estudio. Contextos Educativos. Revista De Educación, (1), 77–113.



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